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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)

Introduction of social contribution activity

The realization of public happiness through the execution of Green Environment for human and nature
  • Korea Environment Corporation(K-eco) is making a better world with social contribution activities for the second-class citizen and community development with three focused approaches of social contribution for strategic execution of social contribution activities related to the K eco's purpose of establishment and works.
The realization of public happiness through the execution of Green Environment for human and nature
CSR Vision: The realization of public happiness through CSR related with core business / Slogan: GIRThe realization of environmental LOVE with local community! / 4 themes promoting works: Local(-air pollution monitoring, -water quality monitoring, -soil pollution purification management, Customers(-citizens, -corporations)), Together(-expanding resource recirculation culture, -reduction of greenhouse gas in daily life, -safety management of environment, Customers(-citizens, -local government, -corporations)), Volunteer(-expanding global CSV, -encouraging local economy, -supporting second-class citizen, Customers(-Second-class citizen)), Education(-verification of education program, -efficient human resource management, -expanding environmental field-trip, Customers(-teenagers, -corporations)) / Motto: environmental service(air, water, soil quality/resource recirculation. environmental safety/sharing activites/telent donation)

Constitution of Community Service Group

  • Korea Environment Corporation is doing various systematic social contribution activities with the centered community service group, headquarter, and local organization
Labor Union, Operating Committee (legislative Org.) -> Chief of the Community Service Group (Director of Management Planning Head Office) -> Community Service Group -> Headquater, Local Org -> Working level support group (General Affairs Division)
The realization of public happiness through the execution of Green Environment for human and nature
3,326: Member of community service (person) / 17,282: Member of community service (person) / 2,620: Chenmi-Manmiparticipation (person) / 43: Chenmi-Manmiparticipation (Million KRW) / 278: Personal donation (Million KRW)
  • ※ Chenmi-Manmi : A voluntary contribution subtracted less than 1,000 or 10,000KRW from employee' paycheck as a funding for the social contribution activities.