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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Eco-Assurance System
Eco-Assurance System image

Eco-Assurance System
of Electrical·Electronic Equipment and Vehicles

For the Promotion of Resource Circulation of Electrical·Electronic Products and Vehicles

Eco-Assurance System

The purpose of Eco-Assurance System is to minimize environmental loads through systematic management of entire life cycle of electrical products, electronic devices and vehicles, from design and production to disposal, in order to reduce wastes and promote recycling activities.

Consumer part, Manufacturing part Eco-Assurance System / Preventive policy: • Restrict use of toxic materials, • Material and structure improvement Annaul recycling rate achievement, • Provision of recycling information / Post recycling policy: • Achievement of recycling goals, •Fulfillment of recycling obligation, • Compliance with recycling methods and standards, • Distributor's collecting obligation., • Preparation and submission of management documents

Main Contents
Electrical·Electronic Products list
Preventive Rules Post Management Rules
Compliance announcement of toxic material containment standard
(Manufacturers and importers)
Achievement of recycling obligation (Report of obligation fulfillment plans and results)
(Manufacturers, importers and recycling cooperatives)
Compliance of material and structure improvement rules
(Manufacturers and importers)
Fulfillment of collection and transfer obligation (Report of obligation fulfillment plans and results)
Provisions of recycling information
(Manufacturers and importers)
Preparation and submission of management document
(Transporters or recyclers)
※ Initial collector (including distribution centers), depository operators, waste recycling businesses, traders, distributors, etc.
Preventive Rules Post Management Rules
Compliance announcement of toxic material containment standard
Compliance of Recycling obligation
(Manufacturers·importers, vehicle scrapping businesses, shredding & recycling businesses, shredded waste recycling businesses, waste gas processing businesses and businesses organizations)
Compliance announcement of annual recycling rate compliance
Submission of recycling results reports
(Manufacturers·importers, vehicle scrapping businesses, shredding & recycling businesses, shredded waste recycling businesses, waste gas processing businesses and businesses organizations)
Provisions of recycling information
Preparation and submission of management documents
(Transporters and recyclers)
※ Vehicle scrapping businesses, shredding & recycling businesses, shredded waste recycling businesses and waste gas processing businesses

Operation Management System(

Operation Management system for effective law enforcement, simplification of report documentation, accessibility to industry demand.
Main Contents
  • Announcement on the reduction of the use of hazardous substances
  • Provision of recycling information
  • Submission of annual output of electrical and electronic equipment
  • Submission of Plans for Performance of Mandatory Recycling and Report on it
  • Calculation, imposition and collection of recycling charge