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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

  • The Seoul Initiative, initiated by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea at the fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific 2005(MCED-5) and endorsed by the 61st Commission Session of UNESCAP, held in May 2005, is aimed at addressing major policy issues for Green Growth highlighted in the Ministerial Declaration of MCED-5 and the Regional Implementation Plan for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2010.
  • The Seoul Initiative provides a regional cooperation framework for Green Growth, taking into account the economic, social, cultural and geographical features of the region. It also provides a framework for policy consultations, capacity-building and networking for the promotion of Green Growth at the regional level.
  • The Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth(SINGG), with countries in Asia-Pacific region as its members, facilitates the implementation of the Seoul Initiative and its activities to create a synergy between economic growth and environmental sustainability and to contribute to achieving economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable future for Asia and the Pacific.
Member Countries
History of the SINGG
Mar. 2005: Adopted "Seoul Initiative on Green Growth" at MCED-5 [Seoul, Republic of Korea] / Nov. 2005: Launching "Seoul Initiative Network of Green Growth" [At 1st SI Network Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea] / 2006- 2010: Executing Seoul Initiative Activities [5 times of Policy Consultation Forum and Leadership Programme, 3 times of Network Me] / Sep. 2010: Extended 2nd Phase of the Seoul Initiative at MCED-6 [Astana, Republic of Kazakhsta] / 2010- 2015: Executing 2nd Phase Activities of the Seoul Initiative / May. 2015: Extended the Seoul Initiative to the 3rd phase at 71st Commission Session of ESCAP [Bangkok, Thailand] / 2016- 2020: Executing 3rd Phase Activities of the Seoul Initiative / May. 2020: Extended the Seoul Initiative to the 3rd phase at 76th Commission Session of ESCAP [Bangkok, Thailand] / 2021- 2025: Executing 4th Phase Activities of the Soul Initiative
Organizing SYSTEM
UNITED NATIONS ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, KME / Secretariat, K-eco > (subcontent)Policy Consultation Forum(UNESCAP, KME, K-eco), Pilot Project(UNESCAP, KME, K-eco)