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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Project List

Policy Support Project for Establishing National Strategies to Strengthen Responsiveness to Chemical Accidents at Workplaces in Lao PDR

Lao PDR(2024)

Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation for Biodiversity in the Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyz Republic(2024)

The Pilot Project for Sustainable Drinking Water Supply System Development in Kampong Chhnang Province of Cambodia Cambodia(2023)
Capacity Building for Ecological Restoration in Lalitpur Metropolitan City of Nepal Nepal(2023)
The Pilot Project for the improvement of school hygiene in Vientiane and introduction of separate discharge of domestic waste Lao PDR(2022)
Pre-feasibility study on ICT-Based Waste Monitering System in the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyzstan(2022)
Capacity Building for promoting Resource Recirculation in the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz Republic(2021)
Support for Sustainable Water Quality Monitoring in Kratie province of Cambodia Cambodia(2020)
Feasibility study for designing suitable cluster based sewerage treatment facility(ies) for Kalutara Districts of Western Province, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka(2020)
A low cost integrated sanitation management in line with soil and water pollution in Ger District of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia Mongolia(2019)
Feasibility Study on Water Quality Monitoring System in Tien Giang Province, Vietnam Vietnam(2019)
Development of Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Local Climate Change Mitigation and Low carbon development in Cagayan Valley region Philippines(2018)
Holding of Roundtable discussions to support establishment of Sri Lanka Waste management policy Sri Lanka(2018)
Pre-feasibility study for HCW incineration facility in Mandalay Myanmar(2017)
Pilot test for improvement and enhancement of sludge management when using dewatering system from industrial complexes and wastewater treatment system in Hanoi and other surrounding cities Vietnam(2016)
Study on Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) Management Based on Customized Mechanical and Biological Treatment(MBT) System in West Java Province, Indonesia Indonesia(2016)
Pilot study on the application of the innovative water-saving system for the landscaping & urban agriculture of the Republic of Iran to address climate change Iran(2016)
Establishment of River Protection plan by Conversion of Fats, Oils and Grease(FOG) to Biodiesel Fiji(2015)
Provision of Waste Resource Efficient Management Plan in Maldives Maldives(2015)
Hazardous waste landfill development plan in Lao PDR Lao PDR(2015)
Groundwater Pollution and Characterization of Leachates from Waste Disposal Facilities Philippines(2014)
Improving capacity building as initiative program on protecting human health and the environment from asbestos hazards in Indonesia Indonesia(2014)
Environmental Quality Monitoring in the Kingdom of Cambodia Cambodia(2014)
Promoting Point Source Separation of Household Solid Waste for Sustainable Waste Management Sri Lanka(2013)
Capacity Building on Environmental Aspects of Asbestos Exposure Management in Thailand Thailand(2013)
Low Cost Sewage Treatment Technologies for Rural Water and Sanitation Scheme Fiji(2013)
Establishment of Climate Change or Waste Management Policy Guideline Laos PDR(2012)
Promoting Green Growth Initiative in Pakistan through Awareness, Education and Regional Knowledge Networking
- A Road Map to Low Carbon Initiative
Low-Carbon Green Growth Capacity Building for Public Officers Cambodia(2012)
Establishment of E-Waste Management Policy Guideline Mongolia(2012)
Cooperation Seminar between Seoul Initiative on Green Growth and Astana Green Bridge Initiative Kazakhstan(2011)
The Preparation of Guideline to Manage on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Cambodia Cambodia(2011)
Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an Eco Energy Center in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka(2011)
Project on Mobile Safe Drinking Water Supply System for Green Growth Mongolia(2011)
Korea-India Joint Environment Seminar India(2010)
Collection of Baseline Data on the Quality of Three Main Water Bodies in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka(2010)
Waste Management Master Planning Program of Darkhan Mongolia(2010)
Pilot Project for Glass Waste Recycling in Thimphu Bhutan(2010)
Development of a Green Public Procurement System Indonesia(2009)
Development of a Carbon Labeling System China(2009)
Comprehensive Survey on the Present Status of Hospital Waste Management in Chittagong City Corporation Area Bangladesh(2009)
Supporting the Introduction of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Program Lao PDR(2009)
Vietnamese Program for Review of Waste Management Measures through E-manifest Vietnam(2008)
Cambodian Program for Plastic Waste Management Vietnam(2008)
Ho Chi Minh City Program for Reduction of Plastic Bag Use Vietnam(2008)
Kazakhstan: Cooperation Seminarbetween Seoul Initiative on Green Growth and Astana Green Bridge Initiative for Sharing Green Growth Strategy(2011) / Iran: Study on the Application of the Innovative Water-saving System for the Landscaping & Urban Agriculture of the Republic of Iran to address climate change(2018) / Pakistan: Promoting Green Growth Initiative in Pakistan through Awareness, Education and Regional Knowledge Networking-A Road Map to Low Carbon Initiative(2012) / Bhutan: Feasibility Study Project for Establishing Waste Management 'Master Plan in Darkhan City(2010) / Bangladesh: Supporting the Introduction of Strategic Environment Assessment SISEA)(2009) / India: Korea-India Joint Environment Seminar(2010) / Maldives: Provision of Waste Resource Efficient Management Planin Maldives(2015) / Sri Lanka: Promoting Point Source Separation of Household Solid Waste for Sustainable Waste Management(2013) / Kyrgyzstan: Capacity Building for Promoting Resource Recirculation (2021), Pre-feasibility study on ICT-Based Waste Monitoring System(2022) / Myanmar: Pre-feasibility study for HCW incineration facility in Mandalay(2017) / Vietnam: E-manifest System in Management (2008), Reduction of Using Plastic Bags in Hochiminh City (2009), Improvement of Sludge Dehydration System Management of Sewage and Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ha Noi and Surrounding Cities(2016) / Indonesia: Improvement of Capacity Building as Initiative Program on Protection of Human Health and Environment from Asbestos Hazards in Indonesia(2014), Study ona Mechanical/Biological Solid Waste Treatment System. Customized for the Western Java Region of Indonesia(2016) / Thailand: Capacity Building on Environmental Aspects of Asbestos Exposure Management in Thailand (2013) / Cambodia: Environmental Quality Monitoring in the Kingdom of Cambodia(2014) / China: Development of CarbonLabeling System(2008) / Monglia: Establishment of E-Waste Management Policy Guideline(2012) / LaoPDR: Establishment of Climate Change or Waste Management Policy Guideline(2013), Hazardous Waste Landrill Development Plan in Lao PDR(2015), Pilot Project for the Improvement of School Hygiene in Vientiane and Introduction of Separate Discharge of Domestic Waste(2022) / Philippines: Groundwater Pollution and Characterization of Leachates from Waste Disposal Facilities (2014) / Fiji: Low Cost Sewage Treatment Technologies for Rural Water and Sanitation Scheme(2013), Establishment of River Protection Plan by Conversion of Fats, Oils and Grease(FOG) to Biodiese(2015)