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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Integrated Operation of Local Sewage Systems
intergrated management system: IT-ET, Network, Hardware, software

Maximization of sewage treatment facility operation efficiency
through standardization management system supported by IT & BT

The Ministry of Environment has conducted the sewage facility construction and established river&streams unit sewage integrated management system (ONSAEMIRO) for the upstream areas of 5 dams including Soyang River Dam from 2006 to 2011 to build integrated wastewater treatment system by each river&streams.
Along with that, the Keco has been contributing for stable sewage treatment facility operation and labor saving through river&streams unit integrated management .

Integrated Operations Management System

Integrated management center[Private line > regional management center > Private line > small sewage treatment, sewage treatment, Pumping station]
Integrated management center

performs monitoring control of all unit sewage treatment facilities

The regional center

conducts surveillance and control of small-scale sewage treatment facilities in the area and transmits data to the integrated management center

The small-scale sewage treatment facility

transmits real-time data measured at each treatment plant to the regional center through a dedicated lin

Sewerage facility integration & operation management status

Seven local governments in the 3 dams area have implemented the integrated management of 160 sewage facilities and the operation&management of 145 facilities