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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Implementation of Green house gas reduction project

Operation of Offset System

Definition of Offset System

The offset is a system to secure flexibility in achieving greenhouse gas reduction targets. The entities that has been assigned a mandatory greenhouse gas reduction amount can utilize offset credits which is certified by the government for achieving their reduction goal in Emission Trading Scheme(ETS). K-eco provides needed support to enable the offset system to be implemented properly.

<Offset Users> Current emission voume Excessive emission Implementation of reduction Emission volume for mandatory compliance (Compliance) Offset Company for a country] under obligation to reduce GHC emissions <Performing reduction activities in non-mandatory areas> GHG emission volume Actual GHG emissions based on reduction activities. Actual emission based n reduction activity performance on GHC reduction (Credit) sell to countries with reduction targets Initiate GHG reduction business Time reduction activity enforcement