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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Support for GHG reduction of local governments

Contribute to accomplishment of National Reduction Target through Establish Infrastructures for GHGs Reduction Management of Local Government

We are establishing Cyclic GHGs reduction management system for effective GHGs reduction and Training Human Resources to improve GHGs reduction ability of Local government


  • In 2020, Korea sets a goal for carbon-neutral by 2050.
  • Korea total greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 compared to 2018 (727.6 millon tons CO2eq.) by 2030 establishing a stronger NDC goal of 40% reduction.
  • Accordingly, the role of local governments as the actual implementation entity of the carbon-neutral policy is important.

<2030 National Reduction Target>

<2030 National Reduction Target> (Unit: Million ton CO2eq) Switchs: 149.9Unit, Industries: 222.6Unit, Buildings: 35Unit, Transportations: 61Unit, AFOLU: 18.3Unit, Waste: 9.1Unit, Hydrogen: 7.6Unit, Etc: 5.2Unit


  • Establishing Cyclic GHGs reduction management system for effective GHGs reduction
  • Training Human Resources to improve GHGs reduction ability of Local government
Cycle GHGs Reduction management system / Establishing a plan / Implemen- tation / Evaluation of implementation performance / Applying evaluation/ Re-establishing a plan

Supporting for Cyclic GHGs reduction management system

  • Improving the Quality of GHGs Inventories
  • Comprehensive review about the methods for estimation, emission factor, activity data, etc
  • An examination on BAU (Business As Usual, forecasted GHGs emission)
  • Suggesting an alternative methods in case of necessity
  • Supporting for establishing reasonable reduction plan
  • Suggesting an alternative in case of necessity and new reduction method
  • Supporting for Evaluation of Implementation performance
  • Evaluation of GHGs reduction activity
  • Suggesting a Self diagnosing method
  • Supporting for Human resources
  • Intensive support for weaker sectors of GHGs management
  • Running 『GHGs reduction conference of Local Government』