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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Road re-suspended dust management

To provide clean information on the road environment and to provide the public with information on the re-suspended dust measured by mobile measurement vehicles and to provide administrative agencies with efficient road cleaning.

It is a measurement management system consisting of mobile measurement vehicle, data transmission and storage system. It is an advanced environmental management system that can accurately grasp the concentration of particulate matter less than 10㎛ in road refuse dust in a cycle of 1 second and share the measurement result with the local government.


Related Laws and Target area
Related Laws and Target area list

- Article 7-2 of the special act on the improvement of the air quality in the metropolitan area

- Enforcement decree 3 of article 2 of the Seoul Metropolitan Area improvement plan

- Enforcement decree of the Special act on the improvement of atmospheric environment in the metropolitan area article 32

- Article 4 of the enforcement rule of the special act on the improvement of the atmospheric environment in the metropolitan area

- Ministry of environment directive (Article 4, 13, 15, 16)

수도권 대기관리권역 지도(서울특별시 전지역, 인천광역시 9개 구군, 경기도 28개시)
- Atmosphere management area (Article 7(2) of the special act on the improvement of the atmospheric environment in the metropolitan area and article 2) 62 cities
Measuring substance and principle of measurement
A dust having an aerodynamic equivalent particle diameter of 10㎛ or less among the dusts re-scattered by the friction between the tire (wheel) of the vehicle running on the road and the road surface
principle of measurement Road dust resuspended vehicle equipped with a measuring instrument modified to enable sampling , analysis and data storage for the calculation of concentration and emissions of road dust. The concentration of PM10 in road ash dust is quickly measured at 1 second intervals.
  • measuring equipment
    • Measures PM10 concentration in real time every second using light scattering concentration type dust meter
  • Driving a vehehicle
    • Measures the particulate matter generated as the vehicle travels in real time using a two-stage constant velocity aspirator
  • Dust Concentration
    • The difference between the concentration of the resuspended dust measured from the back of the tire and the background dust concentration

Re-suspended dust concentration

= {(Left PM10 concentration + Right PM10 concentration)/2}-Background PM10 concentration

Left_PM10 concentration : re-suspended dust concentration generated in left front tire
Right_PM10 concentration : re-suspended dust concentration generated in right front tire
BG_PM10 concentration : atmosphere dust concentration measured at the roof

System operating system

K-eco[Investigation of road information /Investigation of road information <-> Administrative agency(Investigation of road information) / Measure road agreement <(submit an application)- Administrative agency(Measure road application (apply for change)) / Measuring road selection (change) <(submit change application)- Administrative agency(Application for measurement road change) / Preparing for field measurement-Registration of measurement information -(Notification of measurement schedule SMS)> Administrative agency(Confirm the schedule) / Perform field measurements / Primary verification / Secondary verification / Confirmation of data / National GHG / Public information disclosure / Administrative agency(Checking mearsurement data) <(Notification of measurement result SMS/e-mail)- Publish measurement results-200kg/m2 excess data -(Request action)> Administrative agency(Scheduled cleaning, Conduct cleaning, Completed cleaning)]

Public information disclosure

  • Related grounds : 「Special act on improvement of air quality in the capital region」 enforcement rule article 4
  • Release cycle : Once a month until 15th
  • Target information : Measurement date and time , Local government name, Measurement concentration, pollution legend

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