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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Financial Support for the Recycling Establishment
Puru Cheering

This service aims to foster the recycling business by providing financial support (K-eco provides 80~95%) for those who intend to establish recycling businesses, there by shortening the period of business establishment and minimizing the business establishment cost.

Financial Support for the Establishment of Recycling Businesses

Effect of integrated operation

Qualifications -Entrepreneurs who intend to produce recycled products or recycled materials using wastes and entrepreneurs who intend to directly operate wastes treatment business

Scope of Support

Scope of Support- Business establishment service charge (KRW 5 million), business feasibility study, preliminary environmental assessment and management consulting service

Financial Support for Technical Consulting on the Recycling Industry

If a small or medium-sized recycling business that have insufficient technology and product manufacturing capacity seeks technical consulting through the research infrastructure of academy and industry, K-eco provides financial support for the costs.


A business approved or registered as a waste recycling business and requires solutions to the on-site problems.

Scope of Support

within KRW 25,000,000 per technical consultation