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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Environmental Statistics Information

Preparing Environmental Statistics and Providing Environmental Information

Through statistical examination in environmental field, K-eco provides basic data necessary for establishing policy for raising environmental industries and improving existing systems. It also provides environment related information such as wastes and recycling by operating environment statistical information.

Major Service
  • Quality management of statistics on waste and recycling
  • Operation of environmental statistic data
  • Development of government-certified environmental data [7 types]
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Preparing Environmental Statistics and Providing Environmental Information
Name of Statistical Surveys Descriptions Frequency
Status of Waste Generation and Treatment Information on the volumes of household and business waste generation and treatment Yearly
Status of Volume based waste fee System Information on the status of the operation of the volume based waste fee System by local governments Yearly
Status of Waste Recycling Performance and Waste Recycling Businesses Information on types of wastes and production volume by item of approved and registered waste recycling businesses Yearly
Recycling Performance of Designated Recycling Businesses Information on recycling performance of designated recycling businesses Yearly
Market Price Survey on Recyclable Materials Price information of 26 recyclable resources Monthly
National Survey on Wastes Information on per capita generation of household waste, generation and disposal of industrial waste, waste treatment facilities in the nation, etc. Every 5 years
Survey on Agricultural Wastes Quantitative information on the generation of agricultural waste by municipalities. Yearly