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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Support for Joint registration in K-REACH


Early settlement for the joint registration policy in industry by improving the utilization of the system necessary for the full-scale operation of the CICO(Chemical substance Information Communicative Organization) and the joint registration pursuant to the enforcement of 「Act on the Registration and Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances」(K-REACH)('15.1) and the notification of the phase-in substance subject to registration(`15.7)

Joint registration procedure, Main tasks and schedule.

Joint registration procedure
Organizing CICO -> Elect a Lead Registrant -> Prepare registration -> Submit joint registration dossier by the leader -> Submit each registration dossier by CICO members
General task work for joint registration implementation
  • Elect a Lead Registrant
  • Confirm the homogeneity of chemicals
  • Signing Agreement
  • Decision on scope of joint submission
  • Analysis of data gap and preparation for registration dossier(test, etc.)
  • Billing and payment
  • Agreement on classification and labellng
  • Submit registration dossier and Registration complete

Timetable for Joint Registration (recommended)

Organizing CICO: 2015. 11.30(Identify potential registrants) -> Confirm the homogeneity of chemicals: 2015.12.31(Elect a Lead Registrant) -> Concurrence of the chemical information, Decision on scope of joint submission, Check availability of hazard data, Generate or purchase necessary data and registration dossier(prepare risk information, etc.): {2016. 6.30(Sign an Agreement) -> 2017.12.31(Prepare documents to be jointly submitted)} -> Submit dossier and receive