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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Exemption From Registration of Chemical Substances

Business outline

The purpose of this exemption is to easing the burden of registration. Chemical substances that can be exempted are used as reagent, R&D or export, etc. And confirmation of exemption from registration is carried out in accordance with article 11 of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.

Relative regulations

  • Article 10 (Registration of Chemical Substances) of Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.
  • Article 11 (Exemption from Registration of Chemical Substances) of Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.
  • Article 11 (Exemption from Registration of Chemical Substances) of Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.
  • Article 7 (Application for Verification of Exemtion from Registration) of Enforcement rule of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.
  • Article 8 (Notification of result of Application for verification of Exemption from Registration) of Enforcement rule of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, ETC. of Chemicals.

Process of application for the exemption and receiving notification

Considering chemical substances(Considering chemical substance manufactured or imported in Korea (Article 11 of act), considering purpose (Article 11 of Enforcement Decree)) -> Existing Chemical Substance (The ministry of Environment Notification No.2017-91, Existing Chemical substance subject to registration (The ministry of Environment), Notification No.2015-92 Designation of Toxic, restricted and prohibited substance (The ministry of Environment Notification No,2017-91) / Application(Filling in an online application form and attached Table 5 of Enforcement rule) -> Online Application: (, Guide of filling in attached Table 5: / Receiving notification(Receiving notification at

Main contents

Applicant of exemption
  • Any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical substance or at least one ton per year of an existing chemical substance subject to registration.
subject to confirmation of exemption
Exemption without application: - A chemical substance imported as contained in marchinery, - A chemical substance imported along with machinery or equipment for a test run., - A chemical substance in a product in solid state with specific shape for a certain function and not discharged during its use. / Exemption (appication): 1&2 Chemicals manufacured or imported to export the whole quantity there of overseas., 3. Chemicals for scientific experiment, analysis or chemical rerearch, such as reagents., 4. Chemicals for the purpose of research and development, 5. Low Concern Polymer., 6. Chemicals formed by reacting functional groups on the survace treatment., 7. Non-isolated intermediates., - Isolated intermediates whose outflow or leakage is blocked by technical means

※ Flow chart for Polymer

Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > yes > M.W. ≤ 1,000: <5% M.W. 500: <2% > yes > Apply for Exemption to K-eco / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > yes > M.W. ≤ 1,000: <5% M.W. 500: <2% > no > Apply for registration to NIER / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > no > Mn 1,000-10,000 > yes > M.W.≤ 1,000: <25% M.W. 500: <10% > yes > Are momomers new chemicals, hazardous chemicals, and chemicals publicly notified by the Ministry of Environment? > yes > Content of those monomers in polymer <2% > yes > Apply for Exemption to K-eco / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > no > Mn 1,000-10,000 > yes > M.W.≤ 1,000: <25% M.W. 500: <10% > yes > Are momomers new chemicals, hazardous chemicals, and chemicals publicly notified by the Ministry of Environment? > yes > Content of those monomers in polymer <2% > no > Apply for registration to NIER / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > no > Mn 1,000-10,000 > yes > M.W.≤ 1,000: <25% M.W. 500: <10% > yes > Are momomers new chemicals, hazardous chemicals, and chemicals publicly notified by the Ministry of Environment? > no > Apply for Exemption to K-eco / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > no > Mn 1,000-10,000 > yes > M.W.≤ 1,000: <25% M.W. 500: <10% > no > Apply for registration to NIER / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > yes > Mn ≥ 10,000? > no > Mn 1,000-10,000 > no > Apply for registration to NIER / Is it Cationic polymer? > yes > Is it used only in solid state, and not soluble or dissolved in water? > no > Apply for registration to NIER / Is it Cationic polymer? > no > Mn ≥ 10,000? /

application for the exemption

Relative Web sites


  • Chemical safety support Team 032) 590-4734~37