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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Soil and Underground Water Policy Support
Soil Remediation Advisory Committee And Supporting Expenses for Soil Remediation1 image

We will create a safe soil environment!!

The objective of soil environment policy support is to provide a technical consulting to MoE or Local municipalities if it is difficult to decide who has a responsibility for remediation on the polluted soil. The Government clarifies responsibility for remediation and defines remediation command priority. Through this policy support activity, we can preserve the soil ecosystem and create a safe living environment. If the remediation cost exceeds the land price or proportion of person in charge of remediation, MoE can give financial support to person who has a responsibility.

Who is the person responsible for Soil remediation?

  • 1stAny person who causes soil contamination.
  • 2ndThe owner, occupant, or operator of facility (※facility : such as Gas station. Any facilities which can cause soil contamination)
  • 3rdAny person who has comprehensively succeeded to the rights and liabilities.
  • 4thAny person who previously owned or presently owns or occupies land on which soil contamination has occurred.

If there are more than two suspected polluters, the head of local municipalities may request a consultant to with the Soil Remediation Advisory Committee.

Criteria for supporting expenses for Soil remediation

  • In case that the remediation expences significantly exceeds the portion of person who has liablity for remediation or expected future profit by operating the facility.
  • In case that the cost exceeds the value of contaminated land if the land was owned before December 31, 2001.
  • Other cases determined by Presidential Decree for which expenses for Soil remediation, etc. need to be subsidized.

Support of technical review

Provide instructions for completing application forms andguide procedures > Review and supplement the submitted documents > Examine technical matters > Review by external committee > Support for technical and other needs

Business flow chart

Soil remediation Advisory Committee operating system
Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu(• Advisory Application remediation command is imposed on the person responsible for remediation) -> Ministry of Environment, Soil remediation Advisory Committee(•Review advisory agenda, •Notification of review result) -> Korea Environment Corporation(•Technical review of advisory agenda) -> Ministry of Environment, Soil remediation Advisory Committee(•Review advisory agenda, •Notification of review result) -> Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu(• Advisory Application remediation command is imposed on the person responsible for remediation) -> One or more persons responsible for remediation(•Detailed soil survey, •Conduct remediation command)
Supporting Expenses for Soil remediation operating system
Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu(- Application for expenses for Soil remediation, - Submit required documents Provide expenses for Soil remediation) -> Ministry of Environment(- Whether to support expense within budget, - Determination of scale, timing, method and conditions, - Notification of review result) -> Korea Environment Corporation(- Review technical details of expense support, scale, timing, method, and conditions and notify result) -> Ministry of Environment(- Whether to support expense within budget, - Determination of scale, timing, method and conditions, - Notification of review result) -> Mayor/Do Governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu(- Application for expenses for Soil remediation, - Submit required documents Provide expenses for Soil remediation)