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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Soil Remediation Business
Soil Remediation Business Management

K-eco is at the center of keeping a clean soil environment,
which is soil remediation management professional as well.

K-eco is carrying out a soil remediation project to identify the causes of soil contamination areas and to remove pollutants in the soil with optimal soil remediation technologies. Soil remediation allows the whole of the national people to enjoy a clean environment and to use the lad efficiently.

Procedures of the soil remediation business

Government, Local Goverment (Consignor) / Cost and risk management / K-eco (Consignee) / Soil Remediation Business management / Remediation, Verification Agency / Business performing and reporting / K-eco (Consignee) / Cost execution and work process report / Government, Local Goverment (Consignor)

Flow chart of Soil Remediaton Business Management

1. Field survey 2. Contaminated Soil excavation 3. Check excavation depth 4. Floor verification 5. Contaminated soil remediation 6. Process verification 7. Remediated soil backfill 8. Completion verification

Tasks of Soil remediation business management

Tasks of Soil remediation business management list
Administraion Construction Management Process Management Management of Remediation Management of Safety, Environment
Order construct, Gain approval to government Checking excavation and recurrence Management of Remediation operate Management of Remediation pollution level Checking Safety in Remediation facility
Situation report, A change of design measurement Management of weak process Management of operation in Remediation facility Instructing in safety to worker
Consultation of expert Measuring amount of polluted soil Founding recovery plan and then direction management of Remediation verification Directing and Management of Environment