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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Installation of Environmental Energy Facility
Waste treatment facilities and waste-to-energy facilities of local governments

Maximize utilization of renewable energy by waste-to-energy!!

Through supporting construction of waste treatment facilities and waste-to-energy facilities of local governments, K-eco contributes safe treatment of waste and solving environment & energy problems by energy recovery of facilities.

Target facilites

Target facilites list




Incineration plant

  • Design and Construction
  • Apply Optimized technologies
  • Installation of energy recovery equipment
  • Zero generation of Hazardous materials
  • Self-sufficient usage of electricity and heat
Eco-friendly Energy Town Concept[Aversion facility -> Resident investment and financial support for energy production -> Welfare improvement, generate income, Activation of community]

Landfill Sites

  • Sanitary design and construction
  • →prevention of leachate and odor
  • Installation of LFG utilization facilities
  • Electricity generation by landfill gas(LFG) or Photovoltaic system
Incinerator waste heat system[Waste heat boiler for heat recovery, steam turbine to produce steam, Building and APT supply for Steam supply]

Biogas refinery

with organic waste

  • Design and Construction of Organic Waste(Food Waste, Livestock Manure, Sewage Sludge) treatment facilities and Byproduct utilization(Biogas, Composting, Fuel-cell)
  • Maximizing economics by value improvement of byproduct
* Biogas Co-generation * Reuse as compostLandfill gas generation[Gas Collection -> Groundwater monitoring -> Leachate supply -> Nitrification of leachate]

Solid fuelization facilities with flammable waste

Design and Construction of Pre-treatment and SRF manufacturing facilities
*SRF : Solid Refuse Fuel
  • Municipal Waste is converted to Solid Fuel and become green energy
Biogas cogeneration system structure and process

Eco-friendly Energy Town

  • Construction of Sustainable Eco-friendly Energy Town
  • →Renewable energy generation, improving town environment, building foundation of tourism
  • Solving Energy and environment problems
  • Utilization of local economy by operating resident self-reliant type benefit model
Utilization of solid fuel[Waste disposal: waste -> selection shredding -> SRP -> Power generation, Waste wood disposal: Waste wood -> selection shredding -> Wood chips]

Roll of K-eco

  • Management of Feasibility Study and Basic Plan
  • Management of Basic and Detail Design
  • Management of Facilities construction and test run
  • Management and Balancing of budget for construction