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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

RFID-Based Food Wastes Management System

It is the best way to reduce food waste!

The Volume-rate food waste disposal system levies the disposal fee to individuals based on the amount of food waste.
RFID method automatically measures the amount of food waste by each household by using RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technology and charges the disposal fee by the weight of food waste disposed.

Operation of RFID-Based Food Wastes Management System

To implement ‘food waste volume rate system’, promoted under the joint efforts of concerned Ministries as a core task of reducing food wastes, in a more advanced way K-eco has established and operates Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) base control system which enables collection and management of food waste discharge information.

Operation System

Local government is responsible for installation and operation of field equipment, and installation and operation of IT system and DB management is utilized by K-eco’s integrated central system.

User: General User(Discharger, Collection and Treatmaent Facility), Manager(System Manager, Business Manager, Local Government Personnel, Central Department Personnel) <Discharge Information/cost Information Facility Information, System Information /Business Treatment Information, Statistic Data on Discharge Volume/ Cost Information> K-eco Central System: Nationwide Service(Introduction of Volume-Rate Disposal System, Discharge Volume/ Cost Venification), Manager Service(System Manager, Business Manager, Local Government Personnel, Central Department Personnel) < Discharge Information/ Equipment Status Information, - CSMA LTE On-Site Equipment of Local Government: Individual Improvement Equipment, Vechicle Colleciton Equipment, Portable Reader

Present status of Project

Present status of Project list
Division Pilot project Project Total
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Local government 18 85 16 10 8 12 3 9 6 7 3 177


(10 thousand)

17 220 56 70 60 59 63 56 51 61 56 769
RFID-Food waste equipment 2,307 32,618 10,160 11,071 10,545 9,400 11,067 12,234 10,162 11,604 10,516 131,684