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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Operation of Export and Import Wastes Management System

Operation of Export and Import Wastes Portal

The purpose of waste import and export management system is to regulate the export and import of hazardous wastes in accordance with the Basel Convention and OECD requirements on the international transportation and treatment of hazardous wastes, in order to prevent environmental pollution caused by movement of wastes between the nations and to improve international cooperation. K-eco is operating waste export and import portal system, the first of its kind in the world, to ensure compliance with the Basel Convention and the integrated management of waste export and import.

Major Functions of Waste Export and Import Portal System

  • Introduction of waste export and import reporting and permit system and introduction of regulations of the Basel Convention
  • Preparation and submission of the applications for waste export and import report and permit
  • Introducing lists of controlled items and business process
System of Export and Import Wastes Management: 1. Allbaro System: Domestic Waste Handling affairs related to management, 2. UNI-PASS: Export and Import related to wastes Handling affairs related to customs