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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Recyclable Resources Information Center
Recyclable Resources Information Center image

Circular Resources Information Center

Waste materials total information system that provides recycling and circulation
information, e-bidding, and other trading systems for resources circulation valued.

Legal grounds

The Framework Act on Resource Recirculation Article 24(Establishment and Operation of Circular Resources Information Center) (Enforcement Date: January. 1, 2018)

Establishment and Operation

The basic concept of the Recyclable Resources Information Center is to provide an optimal information for suppliers and customers of waste materials by establishing an information system on transactions, distribution and quality of waste materials in order to promote the recycling of used products and waste materials that are either incinerated/landfilled or subject to primary recycling. Waste-material suppliers can register supply information on used products or waste materials that are either incinerated/landfilled or subject to primary recycling with the Recyclable Resources Information Center.

Main Services

Customized Information Offering Service
  • Transport & Recycling company Information, Recycling technology Information, Recycling price Information, Legal policy Information etc.
  • Searching waste generation, treatment company, recycled products, and used products in Korea by Geographic Information System
Optimized Waste Business Matching Service
  • Using Allbaro DB and our center matching system, matching trading demand optimized companies for an company hard to find proper waste disposal or recycling companies because of lacking of information
Electronic Trading Service
  • Electronic Bidding Service : Customers may submit requests and select bidders through an electronic system with electronic signatures of encoding systems without carrying trading and bidding documents in person.
  • Private Contract Estimate Service : Customers may submit requests of trade and service commissions with electronic signatures of encoding systems and select trade partners after the settlements
  • Electornic Contract Service : Electronic Contract in connection with Electronic Bidding, Electronic Estimate
Recyclable Wastes Report

Users & Trading items

  • Users : business sites generating, transporting, Disposing of waste and the general public
  • Trading items : Waste Materials, intermediate artifacts, Recycled Products, Used Products