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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Livestock Excreta Electronic Transfer Management System
The livestock excreta Electronic transfer management system image

The livestock excreta electronic transfer management system enables the transparent management of the overall process, running from generation to collection, transport, disposal and spraying. So it helps prevent foot-and-mouth disease by tracking the movement of livestock excreta on a real-time basis.

What is the livestock excreta electronic transfer management system?

Who are the users?
  • Livestock (pig) farmers, liquid fertilizer producers
  • Excreta & liquid fertilizer collectors and transporters
  • Public treatment facilities, recycling facilities, etc.
  • Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, and local autonomous bodies
Is the system difficult to use?
  • Farmers can prepare the electronic transfer form by providing their signature via a mobile device.
  • If there isn’t anyone available on the farm, details of the electronic transfer will be sent via mobile text message.
  • Electronic transform forms can be prepared online.
What are the advantages of the system?
  • The management register is automatically created when preparing the electronic transfer form.
  • Simplification of the work process helps save time and costs.
  • Transparent management of livestock excreta helps enhance the public trust in farms.

Legal basis

  • Article 37.2 (Development and Operation of Electronic Transfer System on Livestock Excreta, Etc.) of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta The electronic transfer management system shall be developed and operated in order to efficiently handle the management of livestock excreta or liquid fertilizer.
  • Article 37.3 (Electronic Transfer Management, Etc.) of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta In relation to the generation, collection and transport, disposal or spraying of livestock excreta or liquid fertilizer, the relevant generators, collectors and transporters, disposers or sprayers shall comply with operating guidelines, such as the electronic transfer management system operating method, in accordance with the Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

User role

The livestock excreta el ectronic transfer management system / 1. Generator: - Prepare generation electronic transfer form, - automatic creation of generation management register / 2. Collector & transporter (livestock excreta / liquid fertilizer): - Prepare collection & transport electronic transfer form, - auto creation of collection & transport management register, -track vehicle movement, - check vehicle loading information / 3. Disposer: - Prepare disposal electronic transfer form, - automatic creation of disposal management egister, - prepare treatment facility management ledger