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"K-eco Water Environment Services for Integrated Water Management|Introduction Video" 상세페이지

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K-eco Water Environment Services for Integrated Water Management|Introduction Video

  • 작성일2023-07-27
  • 조회수258
water is the source of life human
civilization has developed around water
water sometimes becomes a disaster and
threatens humans
Korea environment Corporation has been
thinking over and over again how we can
safely enjoy clean water for a long time
(1980-Established Korea Resources Recycling Corporation)
(1987-Established Environmental Management Corporation)
(2010-Incorporated into Korea Environment Corporation)
since established in 1980 we've managed
water in Korea for the past 40 years now
with Innovative water environment
we'll realize the water cycle that
benefits both nature and humans
we are Korea environment Corporation
(Creation of sustainable water environment)
(we create a healthy water environment)
Korea environment Corporation creates a
healthy water environment where clean
water can be enjoyed for a long time we
(operation of the national automatic water quality monitoring network)
(Nonpoint source pollutiont pollutant measurement network)
(wastewater tele-monitoring system(Wastewater Tms) monitor river water quality and
pollutants flowing into the river 24
hours a day in real time
treat pollutants by installing and
(technical support for public sewage and wastewater Treatment facilities)
providing technical support for public
sewage and wastewater treatment
(support for water pollution accident prevention and monitoring, and control)
to prevent water pollution accidents and
support control activities we have
established a watershed centered
(integrated water pollution control center)
integrated control center for water
(Watershed sewerage support center)
pollution provided Watershed customized
sewerage services such as technical
diagnosis through the sewerage support
center we improve the River Health by
(integrated / concentrated improvement project of polluted tributary)
implementing integrated and concentrated
(Aquatic ecology continuity project)
Improvement projects on polluted
tributaries based on Watershed diagnosis
(safe management of drinking groundwater)
also ensure safe soil and groundwater
through detailed investigation and
purification projects on groundwater in
areas of concern for soil contamination
going one step further as a member of
the presidential Water Commission we
strengthen governance between industry
Academia and research experts and
citizens to support the entire process
of integrated Water Management
Korea environment Corporation builds a
perfect water infrastructure that
responds to climate change with
accumulated technology and know-how
reuse sewage treated water as industrial
water to support corporate ESG
management and prepare for drought
install a deep rainwater tunnel and
pumping station with a depth of 40
meters or more underground to prevent
Urban flooding
improve old sewage pipes to protect
precious lives and property from safety
accidents such as sinkholes
produce biogas through integrated
treatment of livestock manure food waste
and sewage sludge to increase the energy
independence of water infrastructure
Korea environment Corporation leads the
future of the water industry
Korea environment Corporation has
contributed to Advanced sewage
treatments expansion of sewerage in the
upper regions of dams development of
Resident friendly water infrastructure
and growth of the water industry we are
now fostering world-class water
companies to improve the competitiveness
of the national water industry through
the Korea water cluster we provide
One-Stop support for the entire process
of the water industry such as fostering
talents research and development in the
water industry technology verification
at the international level as well as
technology demonstration using
demonstration plants and Market
developments by building smart
ecological factories to reduce energy
consumption of smes and support external
competitiveness Korea environment
Corporation works together with Korean
water companies to stand tall in the
global Water industry Market
environment Corporation leads the
digital transformation of water
managements we build a more effective
remote management system through various
measurement networks and information
we will introduce an ICT based smart
sewage treatment facility and sewerage
asset management system increase the
treatment efficiency of sewage
facilities with ai-based predictive
control apply forth industry technology
to environmental facility management
Korea environment Corporation opens the
era of Smart Water Management with
challenge leads to Innovation that
realizes new water management
believe that our constant research and
efforts create a healthy water
we make water safe and clean for nature
and humans to enjoy for a long time
Closer To Nature closer to people
we are K eco
이전,다음 게시물 목록을 볼 수 있습니다.
이전글 제4회 푸른하늘의날 맞이 챌린지 영상
다음글 통합물관리를 위한 물분야 사업 홍보영상(국문)


  • 담당부서 : 국민소통실
  • 담당자 : 김지혜
  • 연락처 : 032-590-3015

최종수정일 : 2023-04-20

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